"BLOOD BATH, " Produced by ROGER CORMAN. A Great CULT Motion Picture...
This RARE Original POSTER has the GREAT'Screaming' GRAPHICS of those 1960's HORROR MOVIES! This Collection includes this RARE Original POSTER & a DVD of the MOVIE, produced by the great ROGER CORMAN. Stephanie Rothman, Produced by Roger Corman. The film concerns a mad painter of weird art who turns into a vampire-like man (with different features) by night, apparently as a result of a family curse, and believes that he has found his reincarnated mistress in the person of an. Now, for the GOOD, the BAD & Not So UGLY!!
This famous vintage POSTER has stains across the bottom of the poster & tiny holes where it was hung, but should in overall good condition. You also receive the actual CULT Film "BLOOD BATH" on DVD to watch and enjoy! This POSTER is ORIGINAL and one of the rare POSTERS of those great Cult HORROR MOVIES of the 1960's and AIP you can find!
This 1966 Poster is in overall good condition, with the stain across the bottom, but with great detail & colors.. This is a GREAT "BLOOD BATH" 1 SHEET POSTER!!! And such a GREAT COLLECTIBLE!! It measures approximately 27" x 41"...
This very RARE POSTER has been stored in an acid free case in a smoke free, pet free environment since being acquired. Our Photos are included as part of our ad description. Jack Sell ONE OF A KIND. Sell is a Registered Dealer with the U.
We are also honored to have some of our props on display in the SMITHSONIAN, Washington, D. Aihug1069 PRAISE: Thank you so much! Btbandabbermake3s PRAISE: Fantastic items, 30 Star Movie Maker! Heimdell51 "PRAISE: "Great guy; very prompt & efficient service & exc.
Packaging; got a free bonus too! Austinpowheinybeer PRAISE: GREAT GREAT GREAT!!
Toothfella PRAISE: Thanks for the super helmet Jack! Hope to do business again.Jimsoden PRAISE:Great packing, good emails, very generous with his time and effort, class act!!! Circus10 PRAISE: Fabulous costume, vintage RBBB. Belfast PRAISE: Wonderful Ebayer & with genuine COA's too! AND, THANKS TO THE OTHER 10,000 GREAT EBAYERS WE'VE HAD THE HONOR OF WORKING WITH FOR OVER 20 YEARS.... WE LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING MANY MORE GREAT EBAYERS IN THE FUTURE FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!
RARE Original 1966 "BLOOD BATH" One Sheet MOVIE POSTER & DVD... A GREAT & RARE piece of Movie history.... A real "One of a Kind" Find & Conversation Piece. Imagine giving this "BLOOD BATH" movie collectible to the Fan in your life or just keeping it for yourself!